moviewatcher122 added 1 item to Moviewatcher122's 2016 Film Diary: September list
September 27
"I have never had a play produced. That's right. And I've written one play a year for the past twenty years."
"Yes, but that's because you're a genius. And the proof is that both common people and intellectuals find your work completely incoherent. Means you're a genius."
Bullets Over Broadway is the best out of the two Woody Allen films with the word broadway in the title, but it still isn't anything special. Unlike Broadway Danny Rose though this movie does have a lot more going for it. Woody Allen really did a good job of making it feel like a story that takes place in the 1920's and I thought the dialogue was written well. (Then again the same can be said for most of Woody Allen's work.) What keeps this movie from being any better though is that it does feel dull in certain places. That and I didn't think the characters were fleshed out enough and kept me from being fully invested in the story. Still it's a decent movie that has its funny moments, but I thought it could've been better.

8 years, 5 months ago
8 years, 5 months ago
moviewatcher122 added 3 items to Moviewatcher122's 2016 Film Diary: September list
8 years, 5 months ago
moviewatcher122 added 1 item to Moviewatcher122's 2016 Film Diary: September list
September 18
"He did the stare and drive on you, didn't he? He got that from me."
When I was going through the Fast and the Furious franchise, I skipped the ones that didn't have Vin Diesel because they didn't look good and because I wasn't really interested in them. Since I didn't have anying better to do now, I watched it just to see what I think of it. I can't say I was impressed with this one. While I wasn't blown away by the first movie, I still thought it was entertaining and it had a bit more to it than just being some car racing movie. This one on the other hand felt like a car show. There's not really any characters to get invested with or many interesting things going on. It's just cars, vroom vroom.
The first problem I have with this movie is that it's just dull. Sure the cars look nice and all, but I can't say I was interested in what's going on. Then there's Paul Walker. While his performance isn't bad or anything, he just lacks this charisma to carry this movie on his own. These movies seem to be at their best when he's partnered with Vin Diesel instead of just being the leading role like he is here. Actually these movies are at their best when they're not about car racing, but that's a different story. For the most part though this movie is inoffensive. I wasn't really bored watching it, but I wasn't really interested in what was happening until the police got involved near the end. While there's nothing too bad in this movie, it's a very disposable sequel and even though I don't regret watching it, I could've just kept ignoring it.

8 years, 5 months ago
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8 years, 5 months ago
moviewatcher122 added 20 items to Moviewatcher122's 2016 Film Diary: September list
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"Recommendations for September: Fist of Legend Prince Avalanche"
8 years, 5 months ago