moviewatcher122 added 1 item to Moviewatcher122's 2017 Horrorfest list
October 5
As far as campy horror goes, this one is entertaining. The story and acting is delightfully cheesy and for a low budget film, the effects here are actually decent. It's not essential viewing, but if you love campy horror films then you might like this one.

7 years, 5 months ago
7 years, 5 months ago
moviewatcher122 added 1 item to Moviewatcher122's 2017 Horrorfest list
October 3
"Never touch the cage."
This is one that had an interesting concept, but didn't really live up to it. On the one hand the scenes with the tiger were decent and were executed well, but the rest of it didn't do much for me. I wasn't really invested in the characters and while they weren't unlikable, there wasn't really anything special about them for me to truly care. If the writing and character development was improved, I would probably consider this to be good, but as it stands it's just OK.

7 years, 5 months ago
7 years, 5 months ago
moviewatcher122 added 1 item to Moviewatcher122's 2017 Horrorfest list
October 2
"You will never escape my vengeance, or of Satan's! My revenge will seek you out, and with the blood of your sons, and of their sons, and their sons, I will continue to live forever! They will restore me to life you now rob from me!"
This may be disgraceful to say as someone who claims to be a horror fan, but I had never seen anything directed by Mario Bava. I've even been meaning to see this particular one last year, but never got around to it for whatever reason. Better late than never though, I guess. Anyways, this was a good one to start with. It's a very interesting story and it has this chilling atmosphere to it. Barbara Steele delivers a really good performance as well and the technical aspects like the cinematography was just stunning. While it didn't reach that line of greatness for me, I still think it's a classic horror film and I'm now curious to see what Bava's other work is like.

7 years, 5 months ago
moviewatcher122 posted a list

7 years, 5 months ago
moviewatcher122 commented on a list

"Always nice to see someone else that liked The Green Hornet. I do think it's better than people give it credit for, especially because like you mentioned it's different from what you'd normally expect"
7 years, 5 months ago
moviewatcher122 voted for list

7 years, 5 months ago
moviewatcher122 added 9 items to Moviewatcher122's 2017 Film Diary: September list
7 years, 5 months ago
moviewatcher122 posted a list

7 years, 5 months ago