"Oh what the hell. I support this petition too."

"Glad you watched The Outsiders. I personally thought the book was much better than the movie, but I thought the movie did a good job with the source material. I'm not surprised that you found Citizen "

"Glad you loved To Kill a Mockingbird. As for Killer Joe, that film was definitely not for me. I thought the dialogue was pretentious and thought the violence was too over the top to be disturbing. I j"

"I was so shocked to hear about his death. Very unexpected. While most people will remember him for The Fast and the Furious movies, I will remember him for his awesome performance in Running Scared."

"I agree with all the shows I've seen on this list. Love Aqua Teen Hunger Force, I watched the first episode of Superjail yesterday and I couldn't stop laughing while watching. I need to watch more Arc"

"Great list. I still care about Aerosmith, and while I'm not impressed with the Red Hot Chili Peppers' newer songs, I wouldn't say I've quit caring about them. At one point I quit caring about Metallic"

"I actually doubt I'll dislike that movie. It sounds like the kind of movie I would like. Edit: Seen it and I was right."

"Vote for: Buried, Cyrus, Where the Wild Things are, Paul, Red State and Tree of Life (I wasn't a fan of that movie, but you seemed to like it the first time, so go for it.) I would vote for Land of t"

"Your positive feedback for The Conjuring is tempting. It was very low on my most anticipated list because I wasn't sold by the trailer, but I might be seeing it in theaters after hearing good things a"

"1. 2001: A Space Odyssey 2. A Clockwork Orange 3. The Shining"

"I still need to see more of his movies, but I'll choose the best ones I've seen so far. 1. Goodfellas 2. Raging Bull 3. The Taxi Driver"

"I'm actually not sure. I just adapted this list, so I didn't make the movie choices."

"I am so sorry you had to sit through Nacho Libre. I saw that shit when I was 9 and I didn't even find it funny at that age. Jack Black's voice in the movie is indescribably annoying."

"I've seen 18 movies on this list and I see that a few movies on the list that you have already re-watched. Ones you should definitely watch again: Snow White, Pinocchio, Bambi, Cheech and Chong's Up"

"Glad you enjoyed Beverly Hills Cop. It is one of those 80's movies that are still as fun today as it was back then. The sequel is only worth watching once, but I would stay away from Beverly Hills Cop"

"Vote for: George Harrison: Living in the Material World, Friday, The Last House on the Left, And Justice For All Vote against: Journey 2: The Mysterious Island (Very average, but not worth watching.)"

"Most of these movies I've seen on this list are worth watching. I agree with the giraffe on watching the original Taking of Pelham One Two Three instead of the remake. I watched the remake before seei"

"Glad you enjoyed Chinatown and I actually tried to watch The King of Comedy during my Scorsese month last year, but the DVD copy I rented was so bad that it stopped working during the first minute. I "

"As much as I liked Little Nicky, I still find it weird that they made it into a game."

"1. Scarface 2. The Breakfast Club 3. Planet of the Apes 4. 2001: A Space Odyssey 5. Dawn of the Dead 6. Fight Club 7. Taxi Driver 8. Godfather 9. Inception 10. Pulp Fiction "

"This list inspired me to make a third section for my list. Thanks."

"Can't say I agree with all of them, but you get my vote for Miley Cyrus and Katy Perry."

"Yes. It's not on the list because I still haven't seen the first one, so it will probably be on the list when I see Sin City."