moviewatcher122 added 15 items to Moviewatcher122's 2017 Film Diary: March list
7 years, 12 months ago
moviewatcher122 commented on a list

"Even though I liked Sausage Party for what it is, I can't really disagree with you about it either. Indeed it does have a lot of forced profanity which can get really annoying at times and I wouldn't "
8 years ago
moviewatcher122 voted for list

8 years ago
moviewatcher122 added 1 item to Moviewatcher122's 2017 Film Diary: Jan & Feb list
February 28
"Isn't it true that an accident in your west coast nuclear plant could stimulate seismic activity in the San Andreas fault, which could destroy most of southern California?"
"I think you'd have to define "destroy"
This was a charming little comedy. It had a down to earth (No pun or reference to that godawful Chris Rock remake intended.) premise and there were some good laughs here and there. I wouldn't go as far as to call it great and the original Heaven Can Wait is probably better, but I really enjoyed it and it was a good enough note to end this month on.

8 years ago
moviewatcher122 added 1 item to Moviewatcher122's 2017 Film Diary: Jan & Feb list
February 24
"Do you realize how inappropriate that word is? Do I look frozen to you?"
"You look like shit to me!"
This is another one of your standard Van Damme action vehicles except with some sci-fi elements added in. In fact, this one tries to be Van Damme's Terminator, but it's nowhere near as good as that movie. It does have a decent premise and all and this could've been executed into something really fun, but like I said it's standard Van Damme fare. It does have its interesting moments here and there and I was never really bored while watching it, but this movie hasn't aged well. Some of the special effects look really bad especially one instance of CGI that looks so cheesy. As it is, it's not bad as a turn off your brain and enjoy type of film, but at the same time I think Van Damme has better movies than this.

8 years ago